CBD Question and Answer: Part I

In Part One of this Q&A series we answer some of the most asked questions about CBD, Hemp and Marijuana.

Because CBD is relatively new to the retail shelves many people have questions about it plus, we’re learning something new almost every day. In this first part of the Q&A series we tackle some of the most asked questions.

Let’s Begin…

The Basics

Q. What Is CBD? CBD, which is short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant contains many, many chemical compounds and CBD is just one of them.

Let’s Delve Deeper

Q. What is Full-Spectrum CBD? Full-spectrum CBD means that this particular form of CBD, the raw material, contains a full spectrum of chemical compounds naturally found in the cannabis plant. Cannabis actually contains hundreds of different chemical compounds, CBD is just one of them. Full-spectrum CBD contains not only CBD, but includes other compounds like CBG, CBN, and even some THC.

Q. What is Broad Spectrum CBD? Broad spectrum CBD is similar to full-spectrum CBD. For example, it also contains a full spectrum of chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant, but…the THC is taken out.

Q. What is CBD Isolate? CBD isolate is the isolated CBD molecule, although without the benefit of the full-range of chemical constituents found within he cannabis plant.

Q. What is THC? THC is short for the scientific name, tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is renown as the chemical compound in cannabis that may impart a feeling of being “high”.

More Detail

Q. Do CBD Products Contain THC? CBD products found in a cannabis dispensary legally can have products which contain a full range of THC levels from low-to-high. On the other hand, CBD products that are sold in retail stores, like your everyday super markets and natural products stores, can offer products with THC in them but legally these products must contain 0.3% THC or less.

Q. What is the Difference Between Hemp, Cannabis and Marijuana? Hemp and marijuana are both cannabis plants with very distinct differences, as well as some similarities. For example, although they look alike, hemp stalks and leaves are typically more elongated, compared to the marijuana plant. In fact, at times the hemp plant looks similar to bamboo, long and tall.

Clearly marijuana is often sold for its THC content, that element that can get you “high”. Conversely, the hemp plant is often sold for fiber, fuel, and for the seeds and oil, as well as, its CBD content which tends to be higher in the hemp plant compared to the marijuana plant.

The United States has a long history of hemp growing and usage, in fact, the Declaration of Independence is written on hemp paper. Hemp fiber was used for sails, for clothing and in the colonial days, if you were a land owner you were legally bound to grow hemp. Hemp was so valuable to the foundation of this country.

At some point it became the “evil weed,” the “devil’s lettuce” and so on. It was a combustion of variables that led to its demise in the U.S.. First off, growing tobacco and cotton became more valuable than growing hemp. This bottom line drives commerce so of course farmers pivoted to these more profitable crops.

Eventually hemp and marijuana became illegal and were part of the “War on Drugs” until relatively recently. Now many U.S. states have legalized marijuana, and the federal government allows for growing hemp once again.


Additional Information

Q. Can I Give CBD to My Child? Please work with your qualified health care practitioner to design a health protocol suited to your child’s needs.

Q. Can I give CBD to My Pet? There are many good vendors of CBD-for-pet products. But here at Canna Joint Relief our forte is working with humans and our needs. Please work with a qualified practitioner to determine to best options for your pet.

If you have a question you want to add to this list please reach out to us by clicking here.

A great resource for scientific research can be found at Pubmed.gov.